Number-theory tools

Each title links to where the respective tool is explained.

Formatting preferences

Large integers

Modulo operation

Integer conversion

Additive groups

Operation table

Repetition table

Subgroup cosets

Multiplicative groups

Operation table

Repetition table

Subgroup cosets

Prime numbers

Extended Euclidean algorithm

Modular equation

Chinese remainder theorem

Fermat primality test

Miller-Rabin primality test

Prime number generation

Prime factorization

Trial division

Pollard’s rho factorization

Group algorithms

Element order

Rings and fields


Simple square roots

Tonelli-Shanks algorithm

Modular square roots

Elliptic curves

Point calculator


Operation table

Repetition table

Subgroup cosets

DL algorithms

Binary repetition

Baby-step giant-step

Pollard’s rho algorithm

Pohlig-Hellman algorithm

Index-calculus algorithm

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